


項目 項目
C C 型
C 記号[copyright] C クラス[C class]
C 言語[C programming language] C1化学[C1 chemistry]
c[centi] CA1[Air China]
CA2[Canada] CA3[certificate authority]
CA4[chronological age] CA5[corporate art]
CA 貯蔵[controlled atmosphere storage] Ca[calcium]
ca.[(ラ) circa] CAB1(キャブ)[cable box]
CAB2[Central African Bank] CAB3[Civil Aeronautics Board]
CAB4[Civil Aviation Bureau] CAB システム(キャブ-システム)[cable box network system]
CACM[Central American Common Market] CAD(キャド)[computer-aided design]
CAE1[computer-aided education] CAE2[computer-aided engineering]
CAF1[Central African Republic] CAF2[currency adjustment factor]
CAI1[Cairo] CAI2[computer-assisted(aided) instruction]
CAL[computer-assisted learning] cal[(フ) calorie]
CALS1(キャルス)[commerce at light speed] CALS2(キャルス)[continuous acquisition and life cycle support]
CAM1(キャム,カム)[computer-aided manufacturing] CAM2[Kingdom of Cambodia]
CAM 植物[crassulacean acid metabolism plant] cAMP[cyclic AMP]
CAN[Canada] C & C[cash and carry]
C. & F., C & F[cost and freight] CANDU(キャンドゥ)炉[Canadian deuterium uranium reactor]
C & W[country and western] CAP1[Common Agricultural Policy]
CAP2[competitive access provider] CAP3(キャップ)[computer-aided planning]
CAP4[computer-aided processing] CAPD[continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis]
CAPP1[companion animal partnership program] CAPP2[computer-automated process planning]
CAPTAIN(キャプテン)[Character and Pattern Telephone Access Information Network] car.[carat]
CARE(ケア)[Cooperative for Assistance Relief Everywhere] CARICOM(カリコム)[Caribbean Community]
CAS(キャス)[Chemical Abstracts Service] CASA[Citizens Alliance for Saving the Atmosphere and the Earth]
CASE(ケイス)[computer-aided software engineering] CASL(キャッスル)[CAS language]
CAT1[city air terminal] CAT2[clear-air turbulence]
CAT3[computer-aided teaching] CAT4[computer-aided testing]
CAT5[credit authorization terminal] CATV[cable television]
CAV[constant angular velocity] CAY[Cayman Islands]
CB1[citizen"s band] CB2[convertible bond]
CB 兵器[chemical and biological weapons] CB-BM 平均[convertible bondbond money index]
CBC[Canadian Broadcasting Corporation] CBD[central business district]
CBI[Confederation of British Industry] CBM[confidence-building measures]
CBO1[Community-Based Organization] CBO2[Congressional Budget Office]
CBOT[Chicago Board of Trade] CBR[California bearing ratio]
CBR 兵器[chemical, biological and radioactive weapons] CBS[Columbia Broadcasting System]
CBW[chemical and biological warfare] CC1[cash and carry]
CC2[Cocos Islands] CC3[common carrier]
CC4[corporate color] CC5[country club]
cc[carbon copy] cc, c.c.[cubic centimeter]
CCC1[Commodity Credit Corporation] CCC2[Customs Cooperation Council]
CCCP[(ロ) Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik] CCD1[charge-coupled device]
CCD2[clean controlled delivery] CCD3[Conference of Committee on Disarmament]
CCFF[compensatory and contingency financing facility] CCI[Chamber of Commerce and Industry]
C.C.I.R.[(フ) Comite consultatif international des radiocommunications] C.C.I.T.T.[(フ) Comite consultatif international Telegraphique et Telephonique]
CCP[Chinese Communist Party] CCS[computer chemistry system]
CCT1[clean coal technology] CCT2[Compulsory Competitive Tender]
CCU1[Calcutta] CCU2[communication control unit]
CCU3[coronary care unit] CCV[control-configured vehicle]
CCW[(Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of) Certain Conventional Weapons (which may be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects)] CD1[cash dispenser]
CD2[certificate of deposit] CD3[compact disk]
CD4[Conference on Disarmament] CD5[cyclodextrin]
CD 値[coefficient of drag] Cd[cadmium]
cd[candela] CDA[Camp David Accord]
CDC[Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] cDDP[cis-diamine dichloro platinum; cisplatin]
CDE[Conference of Disarmament in Europe] CDF[channel definition format]
CDG[Charles de Gaulle] CD-I[compact disk interactive]
CDMA[code division multiple access] cDNA[complementary DNA]
CDP[career development program] CD-ROM[compact disk read-only memory]
CD-ROM XA[CD-ROM extended architecture] CDU[(ド) Christlich-Demokratische Union]
CDV[compact disk video] CE1[concurrent engineering]
CE2[Council of Europe] CE3[customer"s engineer]
Ce[cerium] CEA[Council of Economic Advisers]
CEB[Cebu] CECS[Chip Electronic Commerce Standard]
CED1[capacitance electronic disk] CED2[Committee for Economic Development]
CEDEAO[(フ) Communaute Economique des Etats de l"Afrique de l"Ouest] C.E.D.E.L.(セデル)[(フ) Centrale de livraison de valeurs mobilieres S.A.]
CEFTA(セフタ)[Central European Free Trade Agreement] CENELEC[(フ) Comite europeen de normalisation electrotechnique]
CENTO(セントー)[Central Treaty Organization] CEO[chief executive officer]
CEP[circular error probability] CEPS[color electronic prepress system]
CEPT[Conference of European Post and Telecommunication] CEPT 計画[Common Effective Preferential Tariff Scheme]
CER[Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relationship Treaty Agreement] CERDS[Charter of Economic Rights and Duties among States]
CERN(セルン)[(フ) Conseil europeen pour la recherche nucleaire] CERT(サート)[Computer Emergency Response Team]
CET[common external tariff] CF1[center fielder]
CF2[Central African Republic] CF3[commercial film]
CF4[common fund for commodities] CF5[cross-fade]
Cf[californium] cf.[(ラ) confer]
CFA フラン[(フ) (franc de la) Communaute financiere africaine] CFC[chlorofluorocarbon]
CFE 条約[Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe] CFFM[Chicago Financial Futures Market]
CFR[Council on Foreign Relations] CFRC[carbon fiber reinforced concrete]
CFRP[carbon fiber reinforced plastics] CFS[chronic fatigue syndrome]
CFTC[Commodity Futures Trading Commission] CG1[computer graphics]
CG2[consul general] CG3[consultative group]
CG4[Republic of Congo] cg[centigram]
CGK[Cengkareng] CGM[Computer Graphics Metafile]
CGO[Republic of Congo] CGPS[Computer Graphics Printing System]
CGRT[compensated gross registered tonnage] CGS 単位系[centimeter-gram-second unit]
C.G.T.[(フ) Confederation generale du travail] CH[Swiss Confederation]
CHA[Republic of Chad] CHC[Christchurch]
CHI[Republic of Chile] CHIPS[Clearing House Interbank Payments System]
CHN[People"s Republic of China] CHS[century housing system]
CI1[China Airlines] CI2[composite index]
CI3[Consumer Interpol] CI4[Consumers International]
CI5[corporate identity] CI6[cut-in]
CI7[Republic of Cote d"Ivoire] C3I[command, control, communication intelligence]
Ci[curie] CIA[Central Intelligence Agency]
CIAM(シアム)[(フ) Congres International de l"Architecture Moderne] CIB[continuously issuable bonds]
CIC[computer-integrated construction] CIE[Civil Information and Education Section]
CIEC(シエク)[Conference on International Economic Cooperation] CIF(シフ)[cost, insurance and freight]
CIF & C[cost, insurance, freight and commission] CIF & CI[cost, insurance, freight and commission, interest]
CIF & E[cost, insurance, freight and exchange] CIL[independent living center]
CIM1(シム)[computer input from microfilm] CIM2(シム)[computer-integrated manufacturing]
CIO1[chief information officer] CIO2[Congress of Industrial Organizations]
CIP[carriage and insurance paid to] C.I.P.E.C(シペック)[(フ) Conseil intergouvernemental des pays exportateurs de cuivre]
CIQ[customs, immigration and quarantine] CIS(シス)[Commonwealth of Independent States]
C.I.S.A.C.(シサック)[(フ) Confederation internationale des societes d"auteurs et compositeurs] CISC(シスク)[complex instruction set computer]
CIT[California Institute of Technology] CITES(サイテス)[Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora]
CITO[Charter of International Trade Organization] CIV[Republic of Cote d"Ivoire]
CJD[Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease] CJTF[Combined Joint Task Force]
CJU[Jeju, Cheju] CK1[Cook Islands]
CK2[corner kick] CL[Republic of Chile]
Cl[chlorine] CLV[constant linear velocity]
CM1[commercial message] CM2[construction management]
CM3[Republic of Cameroon] Cm[curium]
cm[(フ) centimetre] CMB[Colombo]
CMC[carboxymethyl cellulose] CMEA[Council for Mutual Economic Assistance]
CMI[computer-managed instruction] CMO[collateralized mortgage obligation]
CMOS(シーモス)[complementary MOS] CMR[Republic of Cameroon]
CMS[cash management service] CMV 感染症[cytomegalovirus infection]
CN[People"s Republic of China] CN 率[carbon-nitrogen ratio]
CNA[Central News Agency] CNC[computerized numerical control]
CND[Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament] CNG 自動車[compressed natural gas automobile]
CNN[Cable News Network] CNO サイクル[carbon, nitrogen, oxygen cycle]
CNP[chlornitrophen] CNS[Cairns]
CNX[Chiang Mai] CO1[carbon monoxide]
CO2[community organization] CO3[conscientious objector]
CO4[Continental Airlines] CO5[cutout]
CO6[Republic of Colombia] Co[cobalt]
Co.[company] Co., Ltd.[company, limited]
c/o[care of] COBE(コービー)[Cosmic Background Explorer]
COBOL, cobol(コボル)[common business oriented language] COCOM(ココム)[Coordinating Committee for Export Controls]
COD[chemical oxygen demand] C.O.D., c.o.d.1[cash on delivery]キャッシュ-オン-デリバリー。商品の到着と同時に支払いをすること。現品着払い。代金引換え払い。
C.O.D.2[Concise Oxford Dictionary] COE[center of excellence]
COK[Cook Islands] COL[Republic of Colombia]
COM1[coal-oil mixture] COM2[Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros]
.com[command] COMECON(コメコン)[Council for Mutual Economic Assistance]
COMEX[commodity exchange] COMINT(コミント)[communication intelligence]
COMISCO(コミスコ)[Committee of the International Socialist Conference] COMSAT(コムサット)[Communications Satellite Corporation]
COO[chief operating officer] co-op, coop(コープ)[cooperative]
COP3(コップ-スリー)[The 3rd session of the Conference Of the Parties to the united nations framework convention on climate change] CORE(コア)[Congress of Racial Equality]
Corp.[corporation] cos[cosine]
COSE[Common Open Software Environment] cosec[cosecant]
COSMETS(コスメッツ)[computer system meteorological services] COSPAR, cospar(コスパー,コスパール)[Committee on Space Research]
cot[cotangent] CP1[Canadian Airlines International]
CP2[Canadian Press] CP3[cerebral palsy]
CP4[cleaner production] CP5[commercial paper]
CP6[Communist Party] CP7[continental plan]
CP8[counterpurchase] CP 制御[continuous path control]
CPA[certified public accountant] CPB[Corporation for Public Broadcasting]
CPC[Conflict Prevention Center] CPCR[cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation]
CPD[cephalopelvic disproportion] CPE[consumer premises equipment]
CPH[Copenhagen] CPI[consumer price index]
C/PI[carbon fiber reinforced polyimide] CPM1[cost pro mille]
CPM2[critical path method] CP/M
CPP[Communist Party of the Philippines] CPR1[cardiopulmonary resuscitation]
CPR2[cost per response] CPS[consumer price survey]
CPT[cost per thousand] CPU[central processing unit]
CPV[Republic of Cape Verde] CPX[command post exercise]
CQ[call to quarters] CR1[card reader]
CR2[computed radiography] CR3[consciousness-raising]
CR4[consumer research] CR5[Consumers Research Inc.]
CR6[Republic of Costa Rica] Cr[(ド) Chrom]
CRB 先物指数[CRB futures price index] CRC[Republic of Costa Rica]
CRO1[contract research organization] CRO2[Republic of Croatia]
CRP[C-reactive protein] CRS[computer reservation system]
CRT1[cathode-ray tube] CRT2[Copyright Royalty Tribunal]
CS1[communications satellite] CS2[containership]
CS3[convenience store] CS4[customer satisfaction]
Cs[cesium] c/s[cycle per second]
CSBM[Confidence and Security-Building Measures] CSCAP[Council of Security Cooperation for the Asia-Pacific]
CSCW[computer-supported cooperative work] CSD[Commission on Sustainable Development]
CSF[colony-stimulating factor] CSM[climate system monitoring]
C-SPAN(シー-スパン)[Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network] CSPI[corporate service price index]
CSS[client server system] CST[contraction stress test]
CSU[(ド) Christlich-Soziale Union] CSV[comma-separated value]
.csv[comma-separated value] CT[computed (computerized) tomography]
C/T[cable transfer] CT スキャナー[computed (computerized) tomography scanner]
ct.[carat] CTBT[Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty]
CTC[centralized traffic control] CTC ティー[crush, tear, curl tea]
CTS1[Chitose] CTS2[cold type system]
CTS3[computerized typesetting system] CTW[Children"s Television Workshop]
CU1[close-up] CU2[Consumers Union of US]
CU3[Republic of Cuba] Cu[(ラ) Cuprum]
CUB[Republic of Cuba] CUG[closed users group]
CUI[character-based user interface] CV[Republic of Cape Verde]
CV ケーブル[cross-linked polyethylene vinyl sheath cable] CVCC エンジン[compound vortex controlled combustion engine]
CVD[chemical vapor deposition] CVG[Cincinnati]
CVS[convenience store] CVT[continuously variable transmission]
CW1[chemical warfare] CW2[comparable worth]
CW3[continuous wave] C/W[coupling with]シングル CD で,タイトル曲の他に収録されている別な曲や空オケ。
CWAJ[College Women"s Association of Japan] CWC[Chemical Weapons Convention]
CWM[coal-water mixture] CX1[Cathay Pacific Airways]
CX2[Christmas Island] CY[Republic of Cyprus]
CYP[Republic of Cyprus] CZE[The Czech Republic]